Mixed Media
Mixed Media
Title and signature
Detail of dock entrance.
20thC Mixed Media study of River Thames London waterfront, obscure title signed initials AR, c1968. Unframed.
Mixed Media study on paper, titled and signed initials. Dimensions : Mount : 304mm x c456mm. Image : 110mm x 210mm (visible) 120mm x 225mm (approx overall). Condition : Good.
£100.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £15.00. World : £20.00.
A mixed-media on paper study of the River Thames London waterfront with landmarks; pen, ink and watercolour. Obscure title below rh corner window in black ink and signed initials AR. Good condition.
Displayed within a stone coloured mount and paper border within window; toning to mount edges but good condition. Verso card backing secured by tape at corners. No other visible script.
Currently the title is obscure. The initials/monogram apppears to be AR.
Please view the images above.
Contact for any enquiries. Please contact if you can translate the script below the image. Thanks.
"Grey", mixed media work from Urban Detritus, signed verso Andrew Hornett, Norfolk, U.K., 2014.
Alt. View.
Alt. View.
Alt. View.
"Grey", mixed media work from Urban Detritus, signed verso Andrew Hornett, Norfolk, U.K., 2014.
Mixed media work on card. Signed/dated verso. Unframed. Dimensions : 152mm x 102mm x 1mm. Weight : 0.020kg net. Condition : Good.
£50.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Worldwide : £10.00.
"Grey". Mixed media work on card displayed beneath perspex. Good condition. Unframed.
Titled, dated, signed Andrew Hornett, Norfolk U.K. and artist's email address.
As can be seen from the images, the colour of the work changes to some degree depending on ambient light and reflections are picked up similarly.
The artist is known for his work created from Urban Detritus and he has exhibited widely across the U.K. This work was exhibited in the January 2014 Annual International Postcard Show at the Surface Gallery Nottingham England.
A Pair of Vintage English Samplers on linen, cross-stitch, framed. c1930.
View 1.
View 2.
Verso 1.
A Pair of Vintage English Samplers on linen, cross-stitch, framed. c1930.
Samplers on linen, unknown artist. Dimensions : 250mm x 280mm x 13mm and 270mm x 325mm x 17mm (oval). Weight : 1.160kg net. Condition : Good.
£50.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £15.00. World : £25.00.
A Pair of Vintage English Samplers on linen, cross-stitch, framed and glazed. Unknown artist. c1930.
Condition/Notes : Good. The two framed samplers are in good condition with good colour and no damage; the oval sampler has some light circular toning marks adjacent to the frame edges but not particularly noticeable. No name or date.
Both linens are framed in ebonized glazed frames with light scuffing in places. The backing boards are secured by rusty nails and sealed with dust-sheets. Both sheets have ink and pencil inscriptions mostly relating to recipes and general notes. Screw-eyes attached to both with cord to the first.
Interesting examples of vintage home-craft samplers c1930.
Aureola, acrylic based mixed media on paper, signed 9hs 77. 1977. Framed.
Aureola, acrylic based mixed media on paper, signed 9hs 77. 1977. Framed. South Asian.
Acrylic based mixed media on paper signed and dated. Dimensions : Frame : 546mm x 440mm x 22mm. Image : 380mm x 272mm. Weight : 2.000kg net. Condition : Good.
£200.00 Europe : £30.00. World : £40.00.
Aureola, acrylic based mixed media on paper, signed 9hs 77. 1977.
20th C South Asian School.
Condition/Notes : This partially abstract study of a figure in post contemplative mode is in good condition with good colour; there is however a small area (max 5mm x 5mm) of surface abrason which has been over-painted 40mm to the rh side of the face . This patch of over-painting is not particularly noticeable and blends in well with the overall background. The painting is signed 9hs in the lower rh corner and dated 77 (1977). The image is displayed within a double mount which is also in good condition. The contemporary frame is in quite good condition with a few chips and scratches to the edges. The frame is sealed with an MDF backing board secured by nails and sealed with gummed tape which is detached in places. The framer's label is attached top centre "Town & Country Fine Arts Melton Mowbray", reference number 288/33 in faded red ink below and a care advice label attached to lower edge. Screw-eyes and cord attached. The work is an interesting study indicative of the transcendental meditation movement of the 1960/70's and as such have categorized it within South Asian as it is certainly influenced by if not strictly originating from South Asia.
More details and images in South Asian category.
Family life, Japanese mixed media on silk. Late 19th/Early 20th C. Framed. East Asian.
Japanese Mixed Media on silk, framed and glazed. Dimensions : 362mm x 281mm x 13mm. Image : 342mm x 262mm. Weight : 0.760kg net. Condition : Good.
£200.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £25.00. World : £35.00.
Family Life, Japanese mixed media on silk, late Meiji/Taisho era (late 19th C/early 20th C), framed and glazed.
The mixed media image comprises a typical Meiji/Taisho era woodblock with sections highlighted in brush applied gouache. The particular areas of attention are the baubles hanging from the shade above the man's head, the petals of the painting above the woman's head, the white highlighted items to the right of the woman, the green tassles hanging from the woman's lh sleeve and the smoke rising from the man's mouth which is almost 3-dimensional.
Condition/Notes : The image is in very good condition, protected by the glazed frame. The silk base is in very good condition with no signs of wear or moisture effects and the weave can be quite clearly seen. The smoke rising from the man's mouth is particularly interesting being almost tangible and the accumulation of smoke residue on the wall above his head extremely effective in conveying the image of continuity and contented repitition typical of the Japanese life style in this period. There is some interesting script on the painting above the woman and on her fan which may have significance. The colours are good and fresh indicating that the picture has been well preserved. The ebonized wooden frame is sturdy and well made. The back is protected with a sheet of box secured by lightly rusting pins and sealed with 48mm gummed framing tape. There is a framer's label attached at lower quarter "A.W. Johnson 5 Kensington High St London W8". 2 small cork buffers are attached to the lower edge.
The frame appears to be original and not to have been opened.
More info and images available in East Asian Art Category.
H.H. Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, Nizam VI of Hyderabad, watercolour and gouache on photo ground, 19thC Indian School, c1890.
Watercolour and gouache on photo ground. Dimensions : Frame : 477mm x 362mm x 30mm. Image : 300mm x 185mm. Weight : 1.880kg net. Original ebonized frame within oak frame.
£300.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £40.00. World : £50.00.
H.H. Mir Mahbub Ali Khan Bahadur, Asaf Jah VI, Nizam VI of Hyderabad, watercolour and gouache on photographic ground.
19thC Indian School, c1890. Mixed media.
Original ebonized frame displayed within glazed oak frame.
Condition/Notes : Good. The full figure watercolour and gouache portrait of the Nizam VI of Hyderabad is in good condition. The colours to the figure are good and the scenic background is quite good with some fading and toning to the vegetation and the distant mosque. Very attractive and interesting scenic background executed in the traditional Indian style; Nizam's dress in fine detail.
The figure of the Nizam appears to float before the landscape which is typical of this period style of depiction. Particularly interesting is the remaining shadow of the Nizam's long flowing sideburns and hair in the original photograph which has been removed in this painted version reflecting his actual later real-life change to a somewhat shorter hair style. He reigned for 42 years until his death in 1911.
The painting is displayed within the original ebonized frame which is displayed within a larger glazed oak frame with carved beading surround; sturdy condition with scuffing and scratching in places. The inner frame has wooden backing board secured by arrow points sealed with old tape and nailed to the outer oak frame. Old screw-eyes and cord attached. No visible script.
A very interesting and historical Anglo-Indian painting.
Please contact for more information or images.
More images and info are available in South Asian Art Category.
Japanese Geisha scene, mixed-media woodblock and gouache on silk, late 19th/early 20thC, original ebonized frame. East Asian Art.
Mixed-media work on silk. Dimensions : Frame : 281mm x 363mm x 13mm. Image : 263mm x 343mm. Weight : 0.820kg. Condition : Good.
£300.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £30.00. World : £40.00.
Japanese Geisha scene with client and attendant, mixed-media woodblock and hand painted gouache on silk base, displayed in original ebonized frame.
Late 19thC/early 20thC Japanese School.
The study is a very interesting scene which depicts the ceremonial nature of the encounter with the geisha and client taking centre stage and the attendant about to enter the room carrying tea. The room is decorated with painted wall scenes and the back wall is intriguingly partly concealed by a Kagoshima screen painting which may well give a clue as to the locaton of the establishment. A fascinating glimpse into the period.
The woodblock is in good condition with good colours. There is a light surface crease approximately 30mm long running horizontally from the left eye of the attendant across to 10mm above the hanging tassle on the door frame but this is not particularly noticeable in normal viewing.
The woodblock is displayed directly beneath the glazing of the ebonized frame which is typical of the period. Good sound condition with light scratching in places. The wooden backing board is secured by panel pins and sealed with gummed framing tape. The framer's label is attached to the centre lower edge "A.W. Johnson, Frame Maker, 5, Kensington High St., London W.8." No visible script.
Please note that the framer A.W. Johnson is listed in the records of the National Portrait Gallery as Arthur Walford Johnson (c1853-1934) registered as trading from premises at 5, Kensington High St., 1929-1940, as a Picture Dealer and Framemaker. A biography is also included.
A very interesting and collectible work.
Please view the images above. Note there may be reflections and distortions caused by the glazing in the photos.
More images and info available in the East Asian Art Category.
Shame, mixed media, woodblock print, pastel and graphite, unsigned. c2000.
Shame, mixed media, woodblock print, pastel and graphite, unsigned. c2000.
Mixed media, woodblock print, pastel and graphite on paper, unsigned. Dimensions : Frame : 232mm x 284mm x 14mm. Image : 193mm x 243mm. Weight : 0.460kg net. Condition : Good.
£50.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £15.00. World : £25.00.
Shame, mixed media - woodblock print pastel and graphite - on paper. Unsigned. c2000.
Imperial : Frame : 9-1/4" x 11-1/4" x 1/2". Image : 7-1/2" x 9-1/2".
Condition/Notes : Good. The mixed media study - woodblock print, pastel and graphite - on paper is in good condition with good colour and no damage. There is no visible signature. The work is displayed directly below glass in the contemporary synthetic frame which is in good condition but with a small 10mm abrasion on the lower edge. MDF backing board sealed with gummed tape.
An interesting contemporary work.
Study of a boy with basket and staff in landscape, signed by Amandu Shauke dated 1922.
Framed view.
Detail, signature and date, Amandu Shauke, 1922.
Study of a boy with basket and staff in landscape, signed by Amandu Shauke dated 1922.
Mixed media study on paper, framed and glazed. Dimensions : Frame : 414mm x 312mm x 9mm. Image : 229mm x 155mm. Weight : 0.960kg net. Condition : good. Colours vibrant. Frame good but with scuffing.
£150.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £20.00. World : £30.00.
An interesting naive mixed-media study with advantage of signature and date. Frame is sturdy but with scratching and scuffing to edges.
Well sealed wooden backing board.
Not yet opened.
Quite a heavy item.
Young woman in a garden signed John Massimino c1975.
Frame, verso, with bio attached.
Young woman in a garden signed John Massimino c1975. Mixed-media.
Mixed media study on paper, 20th C American School. Dimensions : Frame : 320mm x 242mm x 12mm. Image : 212mm x 135mm. Weight : 0.480kg net. Condition : Good.
£225.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £20.00. World : £30.00.
Young woman in a garden signed John Massimino c1975.
Titled Capri.
20th Century American School.
Mixed media, watercolour, gouache, graphite, study on paper by this well known American artist.
A colourful and attractive image of a woman in a garden setting with a large flower pot to foreground. The artist's signature is along the lower edge in light brown ink with another indistinct word following "Ca...n". Since this original posting, I have been in contact with John Massimino and he has clarified the script quote "The word in question is Capri - I painted it during one of my trips to Capri Italy. Brings back great memories."
The colours and style capture an image of passing elegance and femininity in a lush and exuberant setting.
The work is displayed under a black cotton mount with complementary brown surround which enhances the image.
The glazed frame is basic decorated wood with a light card backing lightly taped to the frame - old framing pins can be seen holding the mount in position. A biography of John Massimino is attached to the back and written in biro at top is "Holiday in Malta £56 30-6-83". Underneath the latter can be seen another blue label "Galleria d'Azte Cornici Arredamenti Cav. Gabriele Salcino Via Tarsia, 8 - Napoli - Tel. 32.45.30.".
An interesting mixed media study.
Poppy Jungle, mixed media, watercolour & acrylic, signed monogram symbol, c1960.
Poppy Jungle, mixed media, watercolour & acrylic, signed monogram symbol, c1960.
Mixed media, watercolour and acrylic, signed monogram. Dimensions : Frame : 478mm x 579mm x 24mm. Image : 305mm x 408mm. Weight : 2.500kg net. Condition : Good.
£250.00 Shipping : UK : Free Delivery. Europe : £40.00. World : £50.00.
Poppy Jungle, mixed media (watercolour and acrylic) on paper, signed monogram symbol. c1960. Framed.
Condition/Notes : Good. The mixed media study of a poppy is in good condition with vibrant colour and no damage or marking. The work is a combination of watercolour and acrylic and has achieved a three-dimensional effect at the seed centre of the poppy. The artist is currently unknown but is signed in the lower lh corner in a black stencilled monogram symbol based on a Germanic eagle in flight.
The painting is displayed within a nutmeg coloured mount board which is in good condition apart from a slight abrasion 20mm down from the upper rh window corner and a small surface dent 10mm down from the upper edge 120mm from the rh corner.
The heavy gilt decorated frame is in good condition with light scuffing to edges. Cardboard backing board secured with points and sealed with self-adhesive tape. Screw-eyes and cord attached. No visible script.
Please view the images below :
There are some reflections in the glazing.
More images and info available in Watercolour 5 Category.